
Parents & Caregivers Responsibilities

HEALTH ASSESSMENT. No adult or child is allowed to be at Sunshine Indoor Play who is experiencing symptoms of illness. All adults and children are expected to practice good hand washing and sanitary practices.

BE PRESENT. Supervision of your own child is required at all times.

BE AWARE. If your child is imposing on another’s positive play time, please step in to correct their behavior immediately. If they cannot comply, a manager may ask you to leave and return when behavior has improved.

SPEAK UP. If your child is bearing the brunt of another child’s negative behavior, kindly let a staff person know so that resolution can be attained.

SAY SOMETHING. If you see something that concerns you, please bring it to the attention of the manager on duty.

BE CONSIDERATE. If your child is crying and cannot be consoled within a reasonable time, please take the child out of our environment until they calm down.

WASH HANDS! For your health and safety, please wash your child’s hands and your own before/after play.

NO OUTSIDE FOOD or BEVERAGE. Please kindly patronize our Cafe and save outside food for when you leave the premises. (We will allow packaged baby food, water, and formula in cups from home for babies and toddlers). (Parties are an exception.)

RESPECT SESSION TIME. Please gather personal belongings and use restrooms near the end of your session time so that you will be ready to leave when your session ends.

KEEP TRACK OF BELONGINGS. Sunshine Indoor Play will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. Lost and found items are collected nightly and placed in the lost and found box. Once a month items in this box are donated.

Kids Responsibilities

KEEP SOCKS ON! For the health and safety of all children, please remove shoes and play in socks.

SLIDE DOWN!! Climbing up or standing on the slide is not allowed and puts children at risk.

BE KIND!! Tackling, grabbing, rough play or bullying will not be tolerated. Those unable to comply will be asked to leave the premises.

PLAY FAIR!! All children and adults will play with respect, fairness and kindness.

KEEP YOUR TOYS SAFE! Safety is our highest priority, so no outside toys of any kind will be allowed in the playground area. Please give those to your caregivers for safe-keeping.

EAT ONLY IN THE DESIGNATED AREAS. For the safety and cleanliness of our Play Area, all food must be eaten in the party room and on the light colored flooring areas ONLY.

BABY AREA is for non walkers and new walkers only . Thanks for leaving that space just for them to play in.

Liability Waiver

Customers entering Sunshine Indoor Play acknowledge the inherent risks present in an indoor play environment. While Sunshine Indoor Play works diligently to provide a safe environment for all, certain risks, whether inherent in the facility itself or caused by the actions of other patrons, are unavoidable. By using our facility, Customers shall indemnify Sunshine Indoor Play, its employees, agents and officers against any and all liability incurred by any negligent or willful act of the customer, caregiver, child, or other customers. Patrons also accept and assume the risk of general exposure to common bacteria, viruses, and other potential injuries as an inherent risk of using a playground facility.

Terms of Use

Sunshine Indoor Play reserves the right to refuse service to a customer whose presence detracts from the safety, welfare, and well-being of other customers and/or the Cafe staff and/or premise. This includes customers who appear ill or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Sunshine Indoor Play reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use and Liability Waiver from time to time.